Birthday Wishlist!

1.  Forever 21 Giftcard!!! -- for that $34.50 leather
       jacket sz S
2.  Incase Slim Sleeve for 13-inch Macbook (White) CLICK
3.  FILM:  Polaroid Film and/or 35mm film and/or 
        fujifilm instax mini film
4.  Escada Moon Sparkle
5.  Giftcards:  Petco, Petsmart, H&M, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters
6.  Hot Cocoa Kisses



In the midst of finals, I can't help but get distracted.
It's usually only until the wee hours of the night that I feel the pressure and need to study and work hard.  This is what happens.

So I've come to the conclusion that the only things that can genuinely ever make me cry are amazing movies and songs.  So, maybe if I meet someone, and everything feels like a movie or a song, well.. that's when I'll know.  Yeah, that'll be him, for sure.

But for now, I've got some kickbutt friends, and my nalgene bottle.  Yum.